**Online Classes Cancelled Until Further Notice
We would like to thank all our dedicated online Zoomers and encourage you to stick with the Finis Jhung Ballet Technique via our best pre-recorded warm-up exercises and full classes which you can rent for 24-48 hours at a time starting at just $2! (All rentals on this page are 48 hours — see the $2 24-hour rentals here.)
Choose the FJ Rewind that gets you reconnected with your body and one step closer to dancing in the center floor.
Click here to learn more about In-Studio Classes.
View the complete class schedule here.
About Online Classes
Classes are held on Zoom & are available worldwide! Class registration is open up to one hour before class time. Looking for a Zoom link for a class you purchased? Visit your My Account page.
*There are no refunds, credits, or exchanges. If we cancel or reschedule a class that you have paid for, you will be given credit for that class to be used when you wish.
Beginner Ballet
Essential Ballet Barre Exercises & Ballet Movement Skills
This 90 minute class is geared to adults who may have limited ballet training but are acquainted with the Finis Jhung Ballet Technique through his videos & classes.
The class includes Finis’s newest teaching technique – the PING SLAM BOUNCE – a very fast relevé (as fast as a ball bounces) – done in dance tempo (allegro) which is required when dancing in center floor with relevé poses, turns, & jumps.
After Finis breaks down & demonstrates each exercise which you do along with him, it is repeated & demonstrated as needed by TEAM FINIS demonstrator, Mayumi Omagari. As you dance along with her, Finis is able to watch & correct you.
The class ends with practicing the pirouette from the fourth position. If time allows, you will also practice a linking or dance step.
EQUIPMENT: A ballet barre, or two sturdy high-backed chairs (one for each hand). Your barre space should allow you to take 3 or 4 steps in any direction. Avoid working on carpeting which will not allow you to slide your feet out & in.
ATTIRE: Please wear ballet or exercise clothes. Ballet slippers or socks.
Experiment with the placement & angle of your camera so you are visible from head to toe with arms reaching out to the sides.
To familiarize yourself with the Finis Jhung Ballet Technique & Finis’s latest teaching concept “PING-SLAM-BOUNCE” — the quick plie-relevé, you can rent a pre-recorded Beginner Ballet Level 1 class recorded in April 2021 for 48 hours here: Finis Jhung Live Rewind